The wireless transmission of the PROFIBUS network can be solved by optical or radio transmission. Optical transmission causes minimal delays, but requires precise setup and direct visibility of the optical modules, whose optical link must not be interrupted by anything. Radio transmission does not require direct visibility of both antennas and the transmission path may be interrupted. We offer a well-known solution from the German company Schieldknecht, operating at 869 MHz and 2.4 GHz.



How to access PROFIBUS wirelessly

The wireless transmission of PROFIBUS can be solved either by optical or radio transmission. Optical transmission causes minimal delays, but requires precise alignment and direct visibility of the optical modules, whose optical link must not be interrupted by anything. For radio transmission, we have solutions for 869 MHz and 2.4 GHz frequencies, both with Bluetooth technology.

For PROFIBUS wireless projects, we offer solutions from the German company Schildknecht, DATAEAGLE Compact and X-Treme

You can see how the technology works in the manufacturer's video HERE