Cables for PROFIBUS industrial network
We used to offer many different types of cable, for example oil-resistant cables, slack-resistant cables, cables resistant to rodents, EMI-resistant cables, etc. Gradually, we found out that most of our customers only need two types PROFIBUS cable – the standard non-flexible and flexible.

Cable PROFIBUS DP standard, solid wire
2,42 EUR incl. VAT

PROFIBUS DP Trailing Cable, Flexible, Halogen-Free
4,84 EUR incl. VAT

PROFIBUS FastConnect Stripping Tool
90,75 EUR incl. VAT

The 3 Biggest Killers of the PROFINET Industrial Network
Our engineers perform diagnostics of industrial networks in hundreds of manufacturing companies. They travel across the country to find the causes of failures. We have asked them what problems they have most frequently diagnosed in customers' PROFINET networks recently. What have they told us?

We train the basics and troubleshooting of PROFIBUS networks | FOXON Academy
Do you want to know why your industrial communication is dropping out? Know where the errors are on the bus and fix them quickly? How the PROFIBUS network works and how to upgrade it and make it more robust? Learn all this in a training session full of practical examples